AM Orchids-Vandas, Asocendas, Orchid Species, Cattleyas, Dedrobiums





Culture Tips

For Vandas, Cattleyas, and Dendrobiums in Tropical Climates

This is a basic overview of growing habits implemented at our nursery. We've been growing orchids for over 25 years with our main focus being on vandas. We are able to grow a variety of different genera and species right along side our vandas with just a little ingenuity. We grow the majority of our plants in plastic baskets or on mounts such as driftwood, cork or tree fern with little or no medium as we water daily. Plants that require more shade or are potted in medium and require less water are strategically placed throughout the greenhouse in shadier areas away from the sprinklers. The following can be modified to suit your own particular growing mediums and conditions.

Temperature Daytime temperatures between 65°F and 95°F are optimum. Nighttime temperatures should not drop below 55°. Colder temperatures as low as 38° may be tolerated for short periods of 2 to 3 hours, provided plants are protected.
Light Intensity 50% shade 
Ventilation Air movement is critical to the health of your plants in hot and humid climates. During the hot summer months, if plants don't receive enough of a natural breeze, it may be necessary to run fans. This will help to cool down the plants and avoid the onset of fungus or rot. On the other hand, during cold weather, plants should be protected from the wind. 
Water During the summer growing months, plants should receive a good soaking each morning. On very hot days, plants will benefit from a midday misting to assist in cooling them down. Plants should always be dry by nightfall.

During the non-growing months of winter or on cloudy days, water sparingly.

Adjustments will need to made depending on growing mediums or if plants show signs of over or under watering.

Fertilizer Throughout the growing season, an all purpose,
20-20-20 fertilizer should be fed once a week at the standard 1 tsp. per gallon. 

A bloom busting, 10-30-20 or 5-50-17 fertilizer, can be substituted every third feeding to promote blooming.

During the non-growing season, fertilizing can be cut back to every two weeks at the same ratio.